Once value of ZED's "Current Effect" is increased to 10, this ZED will die instantly (except bosses, which do not die by getting shrunk). For every 100 of Shrink power applied (all ZEDs except Matriarch are neutral to this incap, Matriarch does not accept Shrink power at all), game adds +1 x ZED's Shrink Modifier to this ZED's counter called "Current Effect" (for example, for every 100 Shrink power for Clot it will add 1 x 2 = 2 to "Current Effect", for Scrake 1 x 0.2 = 0.2). ZEDs shrank to critical size (below incap limit) will die regardless of their current health. Shrink power reduces ZED's size, up to x0.5 scale. In theory it is possible to avoid cooldown while keep bleeding effect active by keeping ZED's incap meter in range of (65-99), however it is next to impossible on practice. Cooldown on this affliction meaning that upon hitting 100 points of bleeding power on ZED's incap meter (not 65 where bleeding start its effects) ZED stops taking any further bleeding power applications until cooldown expires which makes it impossible to maintain constant bleeding. ZED affected by bleeding as long as its stacking meter above the Incap Threshold. For the duration of bleed affliction ZEDs shrink in size, however their hitboxes remain the same. Bleed increases amount of the incap power taken by ZED: by default amount of the power given by damage type is "1 + perk incap bonuses", instead bleeding ZED takes "1.5 + perk bonuses" amount the weapon powers towards its affliction meter. Every ZED can be knocked down when player lands on top of its head, in such case following powers and their normal cooldown values will be applied on this ZED: Knockdown Power = 500, Stumble Power = 200, Gun Hit Power = 100.īleed - bleeding is a ZED's state, when bleeding ZEDs takes more incap power towards its incap meter, moves 30% slower (stack with Snare for a total of x0.49 speed multiplier), does 30% less damage (x0.7 multiplier) and plays melee attack animations 25% slower (incap divides the duration of melee animation by 0.8). ZEDs with dismembered limbs cannot play knockdown / getup animations. Knocked down ZED will die instantly if it will fall from the height greater than 7.5 meters.
Up to 25 checks (due to code specifics - actually 32) with 0.2s intervals between each two allowed before ZED will be forced to get up back on feet, this results in overall maximum knockdown time of 6.4 seconds.

Once knocked to the ground, the ZED will be evaluating its getup possibilities within 0.2 second intervals, ZEDs with velocity greater than 100 uu/s or whose rigid body is still awake and simulated should skip getup animation untill their next evaluation check. By any means only 5 ZEDs are allowed to be knocked down at time (this rule, however, implies 5 separate instances of knockdown - each ZED can be knocked down individually only if in the world there are less than 5 already knocked ZEDs, otherwise it is possible to knockdown much bigger groups of ZEDs, for example with the single explosion). Knockdown is a special move where ZED goes into "ragdoll" state.